August 21, 2024

The B2B SaaS Professional’s Guide to Middle of the Funnel Marketing

Kevin King
Kevin King

In B2B SaaS, standing out from the crowd is a constant challenge. While top-of-the-funnel marketing is a must for attracting attention, the real legwork happens in the middle of the funnel (MOFU). 

The middle funnel is where potential customers are actively evaluating their options and deciding whether your product is the right fit. 

But with so much constant competitor noise, how can you cut through and show prospects that your solution is the one they need? Let's jump in.

Understanding the middle of the funnel

The middle of the funnel — sometimes called the “consideration stage” of the customer journey — is where potential customers have shown interest in your product or service but are still weighing their options. At this point, they're looking for detailed material that will help them make an informed decision: in-depth product demos, case studies, comparisons to competing solutions, etc.

Mid-funnel marketing delivers exactly that. When you provide valuable information that answer questions and build trust, you can guide prospects closer to a purchase decision. 

This stage is crucial for differentiating your offering, demonstrating your expertise, and overcoming any objections potential customers may have. It’s your chance to build the rapport needed to lead prospects to your product versus your competitor’s, so don’t overlook it!

How does MOFU connect the beginning and end stages of the funnel?

Mid-funnel content builds upon the foundation laid by your TOFU (awareness-building) marketing efforts. It gives your audience deeper insights they need to decide whether or not your product is worth their investment, which leads them to the bottom of the funnel (BOFU): closing the deal. 

MOFU marketing accomplishes this in two major ways:

Providing audiences with resources to overcome common hurdles

Once your audience passes through the awareness/attraction (TOFU) stage and reaches the middle of the funnel, it's time to address their specific concerns and common hurdles — and how your brand can help make their lives easier. 

MOFU content and resources act as a natural next step in the customer journey. For example, if your TOFU content focused on the general challenges of data management, your MOFU content could dive deeper into specific pain points like data security or scalability and how your product solves these problems. 

When you offer specific, well-researched solutions to specific challenges, you: 

  • Position your brand as a trustworthy, expert authority on the subject 
  • Position your product/service as the ideal solution to your prospects’ challenges

Helping potential customers see the value of your products or services

Remember, the ultimate goal of your marketing efforts is to drive conversions. MOFU is your brand’s time to shine, demonstrating your value for a variety of applications and use cases that resonate with your target audience.

When prospects can visualize exactly what value you can provide their business, it directly impacts their readiness to take action — whether it's scheduling a demo, requesting a quote, or making a purchase. If you can effectively address their needs and showcase the unique value your offering provides over the competition, you're priming them to say "yes" when they encounter your bottom-of-the-funnel content.

What does good middle-of-the-funnel content look like?

Good content doesn’t just introduce your brand and make a sales pitch. The best MOFU content is educational. 

Here are some key characteristics to incorporate into your MOFU content to increase its likelihood of converting prospects to paying customers:

  • In-depth and informative: MOFU content should provide detailed information about your product or service, addressing common questions and concerns.
  • Persuasive and compelling: Use strong storytelling, case studies, and testimonials to demonstrate the value of your offering.
  • Personalized: Tailor your content to the specific interests and needs of your ideal customer profile (ICP).
  • Clear calls to action (CTAs): Guide readers toward the next step in the customer journey: scheduling a demo, downloading a trial, requesting a quote, etc.
  • Trust-building: Use social proof, testimonials, and expert opinions to build your brand’s credibility and authority.
  • Nurturing: Provide additional resources and information to help nurture leads as they move down the sales funnel.

The most common types of MOFU content

The types of content your brand focuses on can vary based on your industry and offerings. However, it’s important to note that what makes sense for your competitors may not always make sense for you. For example, if you’re a startup or early-stage business with only a few customers under your belt, it may not make sense to invest a lot of time and resources into building a robust customer testimonials page that only features one testimonial. 

However, you do have options regardless of your stage. Here are a few of the most common types of MOFU content formats that may serve your B2B SaaSm brand well:

  • Case studies: Showcase real-world examples of how your product or service has helped customers achieve their goals.
  • Webinars and demos: Offer in-depth product demonstrations and Q&A sessions to address specific questions.
  • Whitepapers: Provide comprehensive research and analysis on industry trends and challenges.
  • Comparison guides: Compare your product or service to competitors, highlighting your unique advantages.
  • Ebooks: Offer in-depth guides or tutorials on relevant topics.
  • Infographics: Visualize complex information in a digestible and shareable format.
  • Customer testimonials: Share positive feedback from satisfied customers to build trust.
  • Product tours: Offer interactive guides that walk potential customers through your product's features and benefits.
  • FAQs: Address common questions and concerns to provide clarity and reassurance.
  • Personalized email campaigns: Send targeted emails to nurture leads and provide relevant information.

Why SEO content marketing is essential for a successful MOFU strategy

BrightEdge research finds that 53.3% of all web traffic comes from organic search results. If you aren’t optimizing your MOFU (or other funnel-stage) content for search, you’re missing huge potential to connect with your ICP.

SEO content marketing isn't just about ranking high on Google; it's about connecting with your ideal customers at the right time. When it comes to middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) marketing, SEO is your secret weapon for maximizing reach and impact. 

Optimizing your MOFU content with relevant keywords ensures that potential customers (who may be actively looking for solutions like yours) can easily discover your valuable resources. 

A strong SEO strategy goes beyond keyword stuffing and requires a total understanding of your audience's search intent. This way, your brand can focus on creating content that truly addresses their needs. A holistic approach like this boosts visibility and improves the overall customer experience because you’re not just providing meaningful insights — you’re providing the right insights and resources at the right time.

3 winning examples of SEO-driven MOFU content marketing

So, what does a successful MOFU SEO strategy look like? Let's take a look at three real-world success stories of B2B SaaS companies that have gotten it right.

1. Stable highlights how its service makes customer’s lives easier

Stable is a virtual address and mailbox provider that supports digital nomads and businesses alike with its digital mail management services. Their services extend to many U.S. states, each of which has its own rules and regulations for Stable’s business customers to comply with. This presented an opportunity to target location-based searches, like “mail forwarding in Delaware” or “how to mail my tax filing from New York”

These kinds of topics focus on specific customer concerns and pain points. But, more importantly, they created a natural opportunity to showcase how Stable’s digital mail service can help readers achieve their goals. Those relevant topics, combined with a mix of articles that discussed topics like the “Best # Mail Solutions” and “Virtual Mailboxes for Healthcare” helped to position Stable above its competitors and boost its monthly traffic value 451% in just six months.

This strategic approach allowed Stable to capture high-intent traffic — meaning visitors who were more likely to convert into paying customers. Stable used MOFU content marketing to attract the right audience at the right time in the buyer’s journey, ultimately driving sales and business growth. 

2. Health & wellness tech leader drives profit through SEO

This health and wellness leader used a variety of MOFU content formats to drive over $1 million in revenue. The business’s strategy involved creating content that resonated with prospects actively researching solutions within the health and wellness space. This included:

  • "Best of" product lists: These posts highlighted top products or services in their niche, subtly positioning their own offering as the best choice.
  • "How to use [product] to achieve [goal]" blog posts: This format provided valuable, solution-oriented content that addressed common pain points and showcased their product's capabilities in achieving desired outcomes.

By focusing on SEO optimization and creating targeted MOFU content, this company attracted qualified leads who were ready to invest in solutions. This approach boosted website traffic and converted a significant portion of those visitors into paying customers — ultimately generating over $1 million in revenue.

3. Workvivo boosts website traffic with a product-led approach

Workvivo is an employee experience platform that does a lot more than many prospects realize. This presented the opportunity to tap into the potential to educate prospective customers on the many ways their businesses could benefit from the platform. 

The key to Workvivo’s success was a strategic focus on product-led content. The MOFU content went beyond simply mentioning their product; it addressed specific search intent by structuring content in ways that created natural opportunities to highlight Workvivo’s value. Targeting non-branded keywords and creating content that mirrored user search intent allowed Workvivo to attract more qualified traffic.

And it worked: Workvivo’s organic traffic value skyrocketed from ~$28,600/month to ~$54,500/month (+90%). More importantly, it ensured those visitors were highly qualified leads with a strong potential to convert.

Some of the most impactful pieces of content included:

  • Listicles: These lists targeted relevant keywords and presented solutions to common pain points, subtly positioning Workvivo's features as the ideal answers.
  • "How-to" guides: These articles provided actionable steps for achieving specific goals, showcasing how Workvivo's platform could be used to solve those challenges.
  • Product-led articles: This content directly addressed the features and functionalities of Workvivo, but within the context of solving user problems. By demonstrating the practical applications of their product, they attracted visitors actively searching for solutions.

Learn how to optimize your MOFU marketing efforts

While MOFU may not be “closer” content, don’t underestimate it: It’s the nudge your prospects may need to realize your value over your competition.

But like any content marketing, it should be strategically implemented for the best results. If you’re ready to take your middle-of-the-funnel marketing to the next level but aren’t sure where to start, or what would best serve your brand, Ten Speed can help.

Our team of experienced content marketers specializes in creating high-quality, SEO-optimized content that resonates with your target audience and guides them toward a purchase decision.

From developing engaging blog posts and whitepapers to executing targeted email campaigns, we'll work closely with you to create a MOFU strategy that supports your overall marketing goals. Our expertise in product-led content marketing ensures that your messaging aligns seamlessly with your product's unique value proposition.

Book a call with us today and let's discuss how we can help you attract more qualified leads and drive conversions.

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